TB 》nie yg ke 2 aku buat☺️ 1st aku prnh buat hmper biskut rye 🍪 tp kli nie aku buat hmper buah plak 🍏 tp agk mgejutkn sbb req order wktu tgh mlm n nk amk wktu esok pgi nye 🤨 mmg blur la aku 😥 tp nk xnk aku cbe jgk buat ☺️ pkul 3 pg dh stle 😇alhamdulillah 🤲lepas nie klu ada lg last mnit req..kne la cas lbih ye...🥴😎
Mod Christmas Trees
This Mod Christmas card was made following a presentation by Ardyth
Percy-Robb during the #cardmakerssuccesssummit in August & I saved it to
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2 weeks ago